2 Responses to Is Most Engagement “Inauthentic?”

  1. Conecrusher says:

    If the firm’s “sole purpose” is to maximize shareholder value, and every employee knows it, employees also then know where the rewards go in good times, (not to them) and who pays the price in lean times (they do). Neither situation leads to anything close to engagement. The best this company can hope for is a temporary alignment of interests- employees work there until there’s a better deal someplace else, and the company will keep them only until it finds a better deal on labor someplace else. i am not surprised at the 40% turnover in the top 25, as the short-term investment community actively seeks quarter by quarter returns with this kind of mindset.
    It takes strong leaders and a history of results to buck this kind of headwind in the marketplace.

  2. What you propose is a common sense approach to organizing companies, engaging employees. Authentic engagement is more of what you’d find in the nonprofit sector bc in the capitalist realm, profits are understood to overwrite all else. I think increasing efforts in corporate social responsibility would move us towards deeper and more authentic engagement in the corporation and also in the communities in which they exist. It’s time for the questions you’ve posed to be asked — loudly and broadly — and it’s time for answers to move from theory to practice.


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